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topics europe

Strong mobilization of the European Milk Board through the streets of Brussels

Agriculture / News on Livestock

Boletín Agrario - The European Milk Board has carried out this Monday, November 26th, a resounding mobilization in protest against low farm gate prices of raw milk in the European Union and the main causes of that situation. This was the first day of his campaign "1000 tractors to Brussels", in which around 2500 farmers (and about 1000 tractors) have taken the streets of the European capital

The Unió de Pagesos values as "unfair" cuts in the CAP budget proposed by Van Rompuy

agro / Agropolítica

Unió de Pagesos - The farmers union Catalan sees "clearly unfair" cuts in European agricultural funds proposed by Herman Van Rompuy that they value, "would be added to those already mentioned by the European Commission's proposal for CAP reform." UdP regrets that the proposal of the President of the European Council "means a reduction to 2011 level prices for European funds in direct payments and CMO"

Euro MPs "lost opportunity" to impose a moratorium on fracking

Sustainable Development / environmental News

Amigos de la Tierra - This Wednesday, November 21, the European Parliament was positioned to the findings of two self-reports that assess the impact of the mining technique of hydraulic fracturing, known by the English term fracking, used to extract gas mainly shale. MEPs rejected an amendment tabled by the Greens parliamentary group to establish a moratorium on this mining technique

Spain throws away more than 15 million tons per year of natural resources

Sustainable Development / environmental News

Amigos de la Tierra - In the European Week of Waste Reduction, Friends of the Earth Spain calls to the need to end the overconsumption and waste of natural resources. About the data of 2% reduction in the amount of waste generated in 2011 compared to 2010, FoE it "celebrates" although with reservations, because this occurs caused by the brutal economic crisis and declining consumption

IMPRO Project: health management in organic dairy cattle farms

Agriculture / News on Livestock

IRTA - This Friday, November 23 is celebrated in Lugo the first seminar of project IMPRO, an initiative of the 7th European Framework Programme, FP7, which aims to strengthen the weaknesses of principal health management strategies that are used on organic farms of dairy cattle. The event coincides with the Technical Conference on Organic Production in IBADER headquarters (23 and 24 November)

REDER considers inadmissible clipping by 17% budget of the CAP proposed by Van Rompuy

Sustainable Development / Rural Development

REDER - The Estatal Network of Rural Development from Spain considers the measure proposed by the current president of the European Council as "nonsense come from the northern states of Europe, that expect the Mediterranean countries will be limited to offer sun and sand to holidaymakers." REDER also notes that Andalucía, Castilla-La Mancha and Galicia could lose their status as territories of convergence

COAG presents at Brussels the online sales platform of its project "ARCo"

Agribusiness / Food Markets

COAG - The Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Cattlemen from Spain (known by its Spanish acronym COAG ) presents this monday November 19 in Brussels its online sales platform, , as part of the annual conference on innovation and sustainable agriculture organized by the European Commission. This website was born this past June with the participation of 540 farmers

Lack of agreement in the EU on rules to enforce principles of good practice along Food Chain

agro / Agropolítica

Copa-Cogeca - Copa-Cogeca expresses its disappointment about the lack of an agreement between EU stakeholders - from farmers, agri-cooperatives, traders, food industry, to retailers - on implementation and enforcement of a code of good practice along the food supply chain. "An agreement would have helped in combating unfair and abusive practices in the food chain", they lament

UPA calls to mobilization of rural next November 22 for the future of CAP

agro / Agropolítica

UPA - Thousands of farmers will be mobilized on 22 November in Spain, convened by the agrarian organization UPA, to protest against what they see as "dismantling of the rural world as we know it." On 22 and 23 November are critical days for the future of the Common Agricultural Policy, "which is more than 30% of total agricultural income in Spain," says UPA