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Get the latest news on the livestock sectors. Everything about farming and animal husbandry, and the development of markets and its impact on food production sectors. Regulations and legislation relating to livestock or farm profitability, among others. Sheep and goats, dairy and beef, pork, poultry and much more
Boletín Agrario - The European Milk Board has carried out this Monday, November 26th, a resounding mobilization in protest against low farm gate prices of raw milk in the European Union and the main causes of that situation. This was the first day of his campaign "1000 tractors to Brussels", in which around 2500 farmers (and about 1000 tractors) have taken the streets of the European capital
La prolificidad es, junto a la fertilidad, uno de los principales parámetros reproductivos a tener en cuenta en la selección y cría del ganado. En el caso de las ovejas de raza merina la mejora de los caracteres reproductivos del ganado «tendrá una repercusión económica clara».1ª parte del documento divulgativo realizado por Antonio Molina Alcalá (UC) y Florencio Barajas Vázquez (Raza Merina)
La prolificidad es, junto a la fertilidad, uno de los principales parámetros reproductivos a tener en cuenta en la selección y cría del ganado. En el caso de las ovejas de raza merina la mejora de los caracteres reproductivos del ganado «tendrá una repercusión económica clara».2ª parte del documento divulgativo realizado por Antonio Molina Alcalá (UC) y Florencio Barajas Vázquez (Raza Merina)
El ámbito de aplicación de la presente guía es la descripción de los procedimientos que deben ser aplicados por los Servicios Veterinarios de la región Andina con el fin de detectar precozmente focos de Fiebre Aftosa, y realizar una rápida y eficiente respuesta frente a brotes de la enfermedad, con la adecuada implementación de medidas de bioexclusión y biocontención basadas en aplicaciones de...
The origin middle value of the Agricultural Price Index along the week from 23 to 29 of October 2023 reached the 0.651 euros, which meant a increase of 8.86% in relation to price of the previous week, that was 0.6€ (+0.05€), and was placed a -3.84% under the annual average of 0.68€ recorded (-0.03€).
IRTA - Farm Castellets of Taradell (Barcelona), won this Friday, November 23, the top prize in this prestigious competition, the Porc d'Or with Diamond. The awards ceremony of this nineteenth edition of the Porc d'Or was first held in Madrid, in Congress Hall, and was attended by five hundred guests
Unió de Pagesos - Unió de Pagesos celebrated that yesterday, November 22, the Public Health Agency of Catalonia made ""public its report "What do we mean when we talk about lactose intolerance?" in which, according to the Catalan agricultural union "are belied certain falsehoods contrary to dairy consumption that have spread in recent years despite having no scientific basis"