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Strong mobilization of the European Milk Board through the streets of Brussels

Agriculture / News on Livestock

Boletín Agrario - The European Milk Board has carried out this Monday, November 26th, a resounding mobilization in protest against low farm gate prices of raw milk in the European Union and the main causes of that situation. This was the first day of his campaign "1000 tractors to Brussels", in which around 2500 farmers (and about 1000 tractors) have taken the streets of the European capital

The Unió de Pagesos values as "unfair" cuts in the CAP budget proposed by Van Rompuy

agro / Agropolítica

Unió de Pagesos - The farmers union Catalan sees "clearly unfair" cuts in European agricultural funds proposed by Herman Van Rompuy that they value, "would be added to those already mentioned by the European Commission's proposal for CAP reform." UdP regrets that the proposal of the President of the European Council "means a reduction to 2011 level prices for European funds in direct payments and CMO"

"The uncontrolled entry of Moroccan tomato sinks prices by 37% in Spain," denounces COAG

Agriculture / Agricultural news

COAG - COAG has sent a letter to the Spanish Agricultural Minister, Miguel Arias Canete, demanding to authorities from Spain and UE toughened monitoring in frontiers to guarantee that quantities and prices be conform to what they subscribed in the free trade agreement EU-Morocco. COAG claim that during this month of November, every day except one, the input value was below the 0.46 € /Kg established

FAO Food Price Index falls slightly in October

Agribusiness / Food Markets

FAO - The FAO Food Price Index fell one percent in October 2012, and for the first ten months of the year food prices were on average eight percent lower than in the same period in 2011. World food import bill may fall in 2012; rice production set for new record, emphasizes the agency of the United Nations