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Pirates and pateras: A new book examines the business of land grabbing in Africa

Opinions / Artículos de opinión

Alonso Aguilar - Vicent Boix, a researcher specializing in trade and food sovereignty, has just published his second book, now available in bookstores under the suggestive name of "Pirates and pateras. Land grabbing in Africa.". As its subtitle indicates, the book focuses on the so-called "responsible agricultural investment" in Africa, or how markets are seeking safe securities in by others lands

FAO Food Price Index falls slightly in October

Agribusiness / Food Markets

FAO - The FAO Food Price Index fell one percent in October 2012, and for the first ten months of the year food prices were on average eight percent lower than in the same period in 2011. World food import bill may fall in 2012; rice production set for new record, emphasizes the agency of the United Nations