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topics coag

Young Farmers of COAG elects its new state coordinator

agro / Productores

COAG - The farmer Aragonese Toño Romé has been elected State Coordinator of the Young Farmers of COAG, during the General Assembly of this area of the agricultural organization held yesterday Thursday, November 22, in Madrid. Romé, 28 years old, dedicates to the production of cereals and fodder in Zuera (Zaragoza) since five years ago. He takes over from young cattleman Salvador Roncero, from Zamora.

"The uncontrolled entry of Moroccan tomato sinks prices by 37% in Spain," denounces COAG

Agriculture / Agricultural news

COAG - COAG has sent a letter to the Spanish Agricultural Minister, Miguel Arias Canete, demanding to authorities from Spain and UE toughened monitoring in frontiers to guarantee that quantities and prices be conform to what they subscribed in the free trade agreement EU-Morocco. COAG claim that during this month of November, every day except one, the input value was below the 0.46 € /Kg established

COAG presents at Brussels the online sales platform of its project "ARCo"

Agribusiness / Food Markets

COAG - The Coordinator of Organizations of Farmers and Cattlemen from Spain (known by its Spanish acronym COAG ) presents this monday November 19 in Brussels its online sales platform, , as part of the annual conference on innovation and sustainable agriculture organized by the European Commission. This website was born this past June with the participation of 540 farmers