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topics feeding

UdP welcomes the report of the Public Health Agency of Catalonia on lactose intolerance

Agriculture / News on Livestock

Unió de Pagesos - Unió de Pagesos celebrated that yesterday, November 22, the Public Health Agency of Catalonia made ""public its report "What do we mean when we talk about lactose intolerance?" in which, according to the Catalan agricultural union "are belied certain falsehoods contrary to dairy consumption that have spread in recent years despite having no scientific basis"

Scientists are investigating the use of the worm C. elegans to feed fish larvae in aquaculture

I+D / I+D

Univ. Pablo de Olavide - Experts from the University Pablo de Olavide (Seville) have designed a feed system for the larval stage of fish based in the worm Caenorhabditis elegans. The science team has registered two patents that present as an alternative to the use of Artemia, the most commonly crustacean used in aquaculture to feed the fishes in their first larval stage