Boletín Agrario in english: Info, resources and news about farming, animal husbandry,fishing, food industry and rural development

Origin Prices


Wholesale Prices


Retail Prices


Variation between sections of the agri-food Chain
between the crop and the consumer's table there is an increase in the price of +246%
Origin Prices

The origin price of Italian Green Pepper along the week from 15 to 21 of February 2016 reached the 0.63 euros per kilogram, which meant a increase of 1.61% in relation to price of the previous week, that was 0.62€/kg (+0.01€), and was placed a -5.12% under the annual average of 0.66€/kg recorded (-0.03€).

The highest weekly value achieved throughout the year of 1.46 euros was 131.75% higgher than the selected week (+0.83€), while the lowest value during the period was 0.37, that is 70.27% lower than the 0.63€/kg of 7th week of 2016 (-0.26€).

In relation to the values of the previous year, in 7th week of 2016 there was a year-on-year decline of -38.83%, 0.4 euros under the 1.03€ reached in the same week of 2015.

Wholesale Prices

Regarding the wholesale price, this reached the 1.25 euros per kilogram, remaining unchanged with respect to the price of the previous week. This 1.25€/kg are placed a 13.74% above the annual average of 1.1€/kg recorded (+0.15€).

The highest weekly value achieved throughout the year of 1.78 euros was 42.4% higgher than the selected week (+0.53€), while the lowest value during the period was 0.75, that is 66.67% lower than the 1.25€/kg of 7th week of 2016 (-0.5€).

In relation to the values of the previous year, in 7th week of 2016 there was a year-on-year decline of -22.36%, 0.36 euros under the 1.61€ reached in the same week of 2015.

Retail Prices

Regarding the retail price, this reached the 2.18 euros per kilogram, which meant an increase of 0.93% in relation to price of the previous week, that was 2.16€/kg (+0.02€), and was placed a 1.4% above the annual average of 2.15€/kg recorded (+0.03€).

The highest weekly value achieved throughout the year of 2.51 euros was 15.14% higgher than the selected week (+0.33€), while the lowest value during the period was 1.96, that is 11.22% lower than the 2.18€/kg of 7th week of 2016 (-0.22€).

In relation to the values of the previous year, in 7th week of 2016 there was a year-on-year decline of -5.63%, 0.13 euros under the 2.31€ reached in the same week of 2015.

Evolutions of week 7 of 2016
Annual average


  -0.03€/kg (-5.4%)
Annual average


  0.15€/kg (+12.08%)
Annual average


  0.03€/kg (+1.38%)
Previous week


  0.01€/kg (+1.59%)
Previous week


Previous week


  0.02€/kg (+0.92%)
Next week


  -0.01€/kg (-1.59%)
Next week


Next week


  -0.06€/kg (-2.75%)
7th week of 2015


  -0.4€/kg (-63.49%)
7th week of 2015


  -0.36€/kg (-28.8%)
7th week of 2015


  -0.13€/kg (-5.96%)
7th week of 2017


  -0.39€/kg (-61.9%)
7th week of 2017


  -0.33€/kg (-26.4%)
7th week of 2017


  -0.23€/kg (-10.55%)
  • Weekly and year-on-year values of recorded prices in week 7 of 2016
  • Click on each box to reproduce its trend graph


Price Index Origin-Retail. This is the number of times the price is multiplied from what the producer receives to what the consumer pays (origin and retail)

Construction of Retail's Price of Italian Green Pepper during Week 7 of 2016
Other foods in the Greengrocery
About this data

This is an application developed and maintained by Boletín Agrario, so it should be considered as such for review and intellectual property purposes. The data used corresponds to that published by::

Global Food Price Indexes ➡️ Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Prices of the Agri-food chain in Spain ➡️ Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food of the Government of Spain


Remember that, like the other contents of this portal, the information we offer is purely indicative and should be used as such. Boletín Agrario declines any responsibility or obligation arising from errors or deficiencies in the data offered, as well as its possible misuse.